Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Best Uses of English in K

I get a kick out of K-pop songs that have Engrish verses in it. Partly because it's insanely adorable, but mostly because they're hilarious to hear. It's like if I wrote a a song in English but decided to add Korean into it. Basically, the results would be so comical that the entire nation of Korea would most likely laugh at me until I cry. Here are some of the best uses of Engrish in K-pop songs!

To start our list off, we've got BEAST's " Beautiful." The song is decent but gets really good when rapper Junhyung pops in to give us a little rap where the English portion of it goes like this: "Make a love baby. Just make a love. Feeling in my heart, so nice." I'm pretty sure he meant to say, "Let's make love baby, just make love. This feeling in my heart is so nice." Either way it's cute and embarrassingly endearing at the same time.

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KARA's " Pretty Gir l" kills me every time, and not in a good way. Their verse of "if you wanna pretty, every wanna pretty." What they meant to say is, "if you wanna be pretty, everybody wants to be pretty," well, at least that's what I think they meant. EIther way it's terrible but laugh out loud hilarious.

ZE:A's " Mazeltov" is hilarious! The song title itself should win some kind of award but the best part of the song is when they say, "Latin girl, Mexican girl, Korean girl, Japan girl." They were so close to getting it right! Wasn't anyone there just to say, no guys, it's Japanese girl and not "Japan girl?"

I love B.A.P and honestly I think they are the best rookie group around, but in their new song, " Hurricane," Himchan kills me with his rendition of "Roof is on Fire." He says the "loof is on fire" and that makes me want to hold and sway him in my arms.

f(x)'s Krystal was born in America and speaks fluent English. As to why she didn't correct this nonsensical lyric in her song " Danger" is beyond me. "I'm in danger, Pinocchio remember me," is the best line ever, mainly because danger and Pinocchio go together like guns and Ghandi.

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