Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Redefining 'Live' Concerts, KPop Stars To Tour Globally Via Holograms [VIDEO]

Move over Tupac (or at least that 3D image of you...). Two of South Korea's top agencies, Success Museum Entertainment and Yang Goon Entertainment, are hoping to globalize KPop and Korean pop culture by having their artists perform via holographic images, rather than live.

"With the idols' hectic schedules and huge costs required to send them to different countries, entertainment agencies consider this holographic solution to be an answer," according to CNet Asia. "This was theorized to be a more economical and efficient method of bringing stars to their fans in different parts of the world."

One of the agencies has already established a hologram theatre which includes a 3D performance by PSY, in a theme park. The other plans to open a "V-Theater" concert hall next month.

Holograms may be a clever brand extension in a theme park; but in concert. will fans care that their favorite stars are not there performing live? Or is this just a logical extension of auto-tune and performing to track.

Here is Girls' Generation performing a "V Concert"

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