Saturday, July 20, 2013


Pledis Entertainment, NU'EST's management company, recently revealed that NU'EST member Aron was rushed to the hospital emergency room due to acute enteritis, it is a condition in which inflammation of intestine is manifest, often caused by food poisoning. Aron was described to suffer from high fever and vomiting that early morning. He was then decided to be rushed to the emergency room and is currently in a stable condition. He was said to be recovering after being given necessary treatment for his acute enteritis. The hospital will monitor his condition and said that he must get enough rest for his full body to recover. Pledis updated fans about Aron's condition by stating, "Aron is currently vomiting even while drinking water, so he needs plenty of rest... Until he has fully recovered his health, we will make sure he gets rest."

Hope that Aron will get better soon and expected to be joining with his group's performances and promotions.

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