Sunday, July 21, 2013


Ailee was recently chosen to sing the national anthem of Korea, and at that time she was brought to tears mid-song. What really made her cry?

On July 19th on KBS 2TV's show 'Yoo Hee Yeol's Sketchbook', where Ailee was a guest, the MC asked her about what particular event was there when she felt like she spilled some tears while singing. Ailee recalled her experience saying, "The first time I cried while singing happened after I made my debut in Korea and I sang the Korean national anthem at the opening ceremony for a baseball game. I cried then."Ailee continued to give some details about her experiences and explained the reason behind her tears saying "There weren't any opportunities for me to sing the Korean national anthem in the States. While I attended school in the States, I always thought of myself as a Korean person and I shared the Korean culture with my American friends. But I was finally able to sing the Korean national anthem for the first time."

Most of Ailee's interview were about her school days experiences and how proud she was being a Korean that she also shared her culture with her fellow classmates.Ailee was very overwhelmed by the audiences cheers saying, "After I finished singing, I was able to hear the cheers from the audience and I felt like we all became one through the Korean national anthem so I spilled tears", sharing her pride as a Korean artist.

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Spilling tears while singing any songs even the national anthem is a touching story. Being emotional helps to express the message of the song, it entails a certain depth and triumph that artists should also be able to deliver for the audiences to feel.

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